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EXHIBITIONS 2010 – 2012
"Jims world" is a hommage to the Swiss photographer Karlheinz Weinberger, (1921–2006). Photographer
for the legendary gay magazine, "Der Kreis". Weinberger led, during those times a typical double life.
Working daytime in a warehouse and in his sparetime, making erotically charged pictures of Beatniks, Rockers and men with tattoos. Late in life, Weinberger became known for his Monographie, photos from
the Beatnik scene. From 2001 till 2006, Gerhard Hintermann attended Karlheinz Weinberger, his mentor
and friend. During this time he also organized Weinbergers extensive archive.The lively discussions on photography they led during those years, affects Hintermanns own work up till this day.
Photos taken in Weinbergers home, shortly after his death, reflect his bourgois life mixed with the Beatnik lifestyle cult. Next to a sofa with crocheted covers, cherub figurines and a standard-lamp, attributes of bourgois "Gemütlichkeit", hang the emblems of motorcycle clubs – mismatched worlds.The typical conflicts
of gay men throughout the Post War aera. Large-sized colour photos printed on vat paper stand for a posthume portrait and are also an allegorie for life as a gay in the 20th century.
The photos are supplemented with an art installation, pictures which so far have not been on view.
Text by Martin Jaeggi, independant publicist and academic ZHdK
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